This is a list of posts tagged with iTunes.
Year in consumables: 2011 music
So, let’s dispense with the lame blogging to you and your future self theme for the 2011 posts. It was fun for one post and a little forced for another, so time to move on. Plus, it is just about another month later and I’m sure I have something better to use. Which is to say I do not have any ideas and do not want to keep up with trying to hold to a theme. Just going to do a dump of content.
I had a rough year with the music this past year. I went a very long amount of time at the start of the year not listening to anything new, at least in album format. Sure, the radio bombarded me with Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes‘–I’m guessing that’s the spelling because I don’t care to look and find out–gawd awful single; in two versions. Yes, they must not have a single other good tune on their album. And I absolutely hated it the first time I heard it as much as the one thousandth. Of course, then there is the everlasti... Continue reading »
Year in consumables: 2007 music
Yeah, I know I said I was going to name this post “Year wax,” but a funny thing happened with that; I realized I came up with a regulah name for this stuff last year. I was searching for the one I remembered writing about music and there it was. Funny what happens when you search your own archives.
Anyway, I decided to keep with the naming convention, just because I like the way it ties things together. I did consider going with a convention based off “Year (something),” which would allow me to use “Year wax,” but I couldn’t figure anything good for gaming and movies. Best I had was “Year smax” and “Year flix” respectively, and those are, well… lame.
On with the scheduled programming…
Lemme see here… this past year, I purchased (!) 56 discs and an unknown... Continue reading »
Hiro’s iTunes
Anyone else upgrade to iTunes 7.0.2 on Windows yesterday and also get stuck with the Japanese version of the iTunes Store? Not that I really ever buy anything from it — I still like buying reflective plastic — but everything is in Yen so I wouldn’t know what it really cost anyway. I can guess that 150 Yen = 99 cents though.
Too bad I didn’t end up with the British version of it. If I did, I could grab some mad imports. Oh wells.
I also lost some album art due to the upgrade. They can never seem to get this right. I am always losing album art for no good reason.
‘Til Tuesday
I was having a hard time with a title for this post, so I went with ‘Til Tuesday because I can’t wait for Tuesday. A few things are going happen on Tuesday. It’s the start of August and I’ll be going to the Sox game with Joe, but most importantly, I am going to have me some coffee.
Yup, I’m done with my coffee *boycott* and will be back on the wagon after a five week layoff. I am going to celebrate with a large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts in the afternoon. I think I am going to continue to not drink it in the morning though. I don’t know why either. What do you think?
So, you all remember ‘Til Tuesday right? A band out of Boston that hit in the late 80’s with “Voices Carry” and fronted by the beautiful and talented Aimee Mann? Well, my Uncle Chris likes to recount the tale that I once held the back door open for her and the band at the In-Square Men’s Bar which used to be in Cambridge. I was most likely in the back playing Star War... Continue reading »
Generic Radio
There was a time when I thought this might be my first post. Around the time I was building Ed’s blog, I was digging thru some old stuff and found an old Memorex tape.
I don’t remember what I was looking for now, but I am glad I found this tape. I must have taken ownership of it at some point over the years from my Uncle Chris. It is labeled “Generic Radio 12-23-87” and it is probably the only recording in existence of a radio show I did in high school with my friend Johnny B.
John and I had a show on Rockland’s community/high school station WRPS 88.3 FM on Wednesday from 5-7pm. So, it was very small-time and definitely not like a Saved By the Bell thing either. I am shocked there was enough juice for my uncle to get that tuned in as far away as Milton MA. The iPod car transmitters probably have more juice these days.
Christmas time in 87 would have been my Junior year in high school and I think by that point we had been doing the show for almost two months. I ended up doing... Continue reading »
Tue :: 19 :: Feb :: 2008 :: 11.12 pm
Commentary, Film, Web
Apple, Blu-ray, HD DVD, iTunes, Metal Gear Solid, Netflix, Playstation 3, PS3, Sony, Toshiba
now closed
Blu-ray wins
So, did everyone that doesn’t own a HD DVD or Blu-ray player yawn like I did?
Toshiba blinked and conceded defeat in the HD optical disc format war today. This wasn’t that big a surprise I guess, although, it still shows that Sony has some weight left to throw around. That said, Sony just ended up on the winning side this time. After all, they lost on Betamax, DAT and MiniDisc. Wow, that’s three failed formats before producing another winner.
Okay, okay… they partnered with Phillips to produce the CD in there somewhere, but those same partners did lose out to Toshiba and others on the DVD front. I guess they turned the tables this time, but failed to avoid the format war that DVD did.
Yeah, shocking… I actually did a little wikipedia research for this one. I thought they were also the Laserdisc losers, but no, they didn’t invent that one either. Glad I checked my facts. I don’t want to be an interwebs fool.
Too late!
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