Jon Lester
This is a list of posts tagged with Jon Lester.
I mean… WOW!
This kid is special, right? Completes the sweep for the second Sox Series and now a no hitter. Wow!
Inspiring stuff. Really. It is hard to come up with the words.
I wish I got to see it. I didn’t watch the game tonight. In fact, I haven’t seen any of the four no-hitters that Varitek has caught. Apparently that’s a record too. However, I did see the first MLB starts for the last two guy’s; Lester and Buchholz. That’s a weird coincidence.
I know someone who had tickets to tonight’s game and decided to sell them because he had already been to like four games in April. Can’t wait to see his reaction. At least he sold them to another guy at work.
On Johan
The Mets probably got a helluva a deal and they probably needed him the most. Santana will probably finish the year with a sub 1.00 ERA and 300 K’s in the National League and that is fine by me. I’m glad that Theo didn’t blow the payroll on this guy, regardless of whether or not you consider him the best pitcher in baseball, no one is worth that money, never mind the prospects. Ellsbury patrolling center with Lester and Buchholz battling for the fifth starter spot? I’ll take that and the financial flexibility to keep pace with the trimming down Yankees, who also didn’t blow their wad on Johan.
At first, I hated the thought of giving up Lester or Jacoby, but when whispers from scouts about Santana’s second half started to pop up, I got even more fearful. I hope he’s fine and continues his awesome career with excellent health. In the NL.
Sorry to all you Twins fans in that your new GM overplayed his... Continue reading »
Not Rocktober… Soxtober!
Not that you had time to notice, but the Colorado club fancied October as Rocktober. I think they may have succeeded in copyrighting or trademarking it. Well, we all knew it was really Soxtober, right? No one gave up on the (tied-for) best team in baseball, right?
Well, I can’t figure out if I did or not. I’m thinking not… or, at least not like in the 2004 ALCS. Yeah, I skipped watching a couple games against the Tribe, but one was on purpose and another because of work (the 2nd Beckett gem). I did see Game 6 though and of course, Game 7 following Mookie’s wedding.
Anyway, there wasn’t much doubt as soon as they got passed Cleveland. The Rox were on an incredible run, but you knew it would end when they reached an AL team, no? I never thought they were going to beat the Jake Peavy and the Padres in the one game playoff. Then I thought they’d meet their match in the just-as-hot Phillies, but no, the swept those fools. The Diamondbacks?... Continue reading »
Clay pitcher
I had the pleasure of attending the first game of yesterday’s doubleheader to see Clay Buchholz make his major league debut. That makes two in two years as I got to see Jon Lester’s last year.
Unfortunately I missed the start of the game after just missing a Red Line train and then having some ticket pick-up issues. Joe joined me for the game after Ed had to bail on me due to some work mumbo-baloney. I told him instead of getting comp’d an extra day off, he needs to get comp’d some Sox or Pats tix. I think it was the third time we tried to hook up for a game with no joy. Oh wells.
Buchholz looked pretty good and pretty young. I mean like twelve years old young. Kid looks 140 pounds soaking wet if he’s lucky and has he started shaving yet? He’s so thin he could take Casey Fossum’s old nickname: The Blade. Anyway, he was helped out by the Sox offense having... Continue reading »
Perfect (short-term) Fit
It’s a rare thing, but I am going to disagree with The Sports Guy on this one… even if I like the “baby-faced assassin” line.
While Jon Papelbon has been lights out this year, he needs to be in the rotation next year. How does the law firm of Schilling, Beckett, Wakefield, Papelbon and Lester sound for 2007?
At least get him there at the start and see what Craig Hansen does. Simmons will change his mind when the LA crack wears off…
Mr. Clutch, Manny and The Kid
I pretty much spent the weekend at or around Fenway Park. I had tickets to both games of Saturday’s day-night doubleheader against the Texas Rangers. Of course, Mother Nature had other plans for me, because so far this Spring she has Boston confused for the Pacific Northwest.
Mother wanted me to spend half my day at Boston Beer Works getting reaquainted with their excellent Haymarket Hefeweizen and menu. I guess this was fine for me, but it threw other people’s plans into a blender. I had Ed lined up for the night game and Noelle was gracious enough to go to the day game after Joe and Jay couldn’t do it. Thanks to Noelle and her beer choice, I noticed for the first time that BBW’s excellent blueberry beer is actually named Bunker Hill Bluebeery Ale. I have probably been going there for around eight years now and I just noticed that. There’s fun in the minutae of a day I guess.
Anyway, the day game was to start at ... Continue reading »