This is a list of posts tagged with Lost.
Telefizzled w.19
Weekly schedule is getting pretty full. Time to trim some fat again? Maybe.
Chuck: I don’t think I have ever seen anything in 3D that impressed me. Ever. I am guessing I am not the only one either. To me, in order to pull it off at all, things are added or adjusted to accommodate the gimmick, so it not only looks bad, it is bad. Now, I didn’t have any 3D glasses to watch with, so I had to endure the episode with a lot of RGB fuzz/halo around different people and objects throughout. It might not have been as bothersome in standard definition, but in high definition it was very annoying. I wish they’d just let this alone. As for the story, well it wasn’t a great one. I thought they just blew over explanation from Sarah about killing the Fulcrum dude so much that it didn’t seem important at all. It seemed like it was going to be to Chuck, but maybe not much past 44 minutes. I think it is clear that Dominic Monaghan can only play two characters: a rocker and a hobbit. I suggest he stick with the second one. Also, this guy is an uggo. I don’t un... Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.18
No introduction this week.
Trust Me: I figured I would check out this new show on TNT since it features Tom Cavanagh. I recently copped to having a man crush on him, behind Zach Braff of course. Anyway, he and Eric McCormack play buddies in advertising. Monica Potter is along for eye candy. The guy on Life on Mars was their boss and bites it in the pilot/first ep. McCormack gets his job and Cavanagh is mad. They make up by show’s end. Standard pilot/intro stuff, but this might be a good dramedy. I will give it my usual three episode tryout.
Scrubs: Sesame Street daydreams? Brilliant! Elmo and Grover were awesome. Oscar was only good for being paired with Janitor. I am liking the Jo intern best out of the three, but Ed started to win me over a little bit with this one (was he in both eps?). Can’t wait to see Cox tormented as the man. The Jordan/Kelso showdown was classic and disturbing. J.D.’s beard needs to go. Everytime I see it I realize how stupid I look when I haven’t shaved all week. (Reminder to self… again: shave twice a week.)Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.17
Yay for the return of Lost! Boo for worms at work!
I had a long four day work week and had to catch up on a lot of telly over the weekend. Unfortunately that included Lost and Friday Night Lights. I really need the HD DVR because watching both of those in standard def is painful. Painful!
No Scrubs because of some inauguration or history or something. Feh.
Big Bang Theory: Sheldon tries to make a new friend. Best part was him making friends with a little girl in the kiddie book section and Leonard pulling him out of there before he was labeled an unintentional sex offender/pedophile. Other than that, kinda weak.
HIMYM: Ted and Barney’s bar and Marshall and Lily’s weird rituals. Well, I can appreciate the gift of beer, so good on Lily for that one. Why didn’t we get to see what happened when the bar owner found the place trashed? Thought this one was a letdown from last week.
Lost: As usual, my comments/thoughts are over on Ed’s post at The Ed Zone. Juliet wins. You kno... Continue reading »
Kind of burned out on television a little bit last year. I don’t know if it was the WGA strike, the inconsistent quality in shows I watch or just getting over watching a ton of telly. I suspect, now that I typed that out, it is a little bit of all those things.
So, I guess it comes as no surprise that my schedule this year is pretty light, which is a good thing. I deliberately decided not to glom on to any new hour long shows this year. I am going to try a couple out, but other than that, I am just saying no. I am also going to try out a new 1/2 comedy and re-adopt one that fell to the wayside last year. Finally, I am going to try and write a little bit about shows each week just to judge my interest, and yours, in them. That means comments people!
That said, here’s my fall schedule (new shows in bold):
Lost: There’s No Place Like Home
So, to echo the end of my comments on Ed’s excellent (as always) post on his site:
Overall, loved this episode. Thought it was really well done in connecting some dots and opening up some new questions. Strike be damned, this season was very, very strong.
It is going to be a long wait for next season.
Oh… hands down: Kate.
Lost and found
I fell behind on watching Lost again, so I caught up by watching the last three episodes in a row last week. I watched the previous two prior to being able to watch last week’s live in HD, so it was a marathon viewing to be sure. In fact, they all blended together quickly on me.
Anyway, for much the same reason I was behind on watching, I was behind on reading Ed’s blog posts and I just now finally had the chance to catch up over there. (Thank you vacation day!) In fact, it wasn’t just that but almost a handful of other posts too. My man is definitely over that writer’s block.
That said, I’m going to break from doing a single aside for each epsiode’s comments here in favor of this single wrap-up. Besides, I don’t want to have to keep saying how hot Kate is in each. I mean, she came back huge on me with those flash forwards… I mean, the dress-shirt-as-jammies thing does it every time, you know? We men are such easy creatures…
Enough of the (wearing thin) joking around, here are the links:
- Something Nice Back Home
- Cabin Fever (I am talking out my ass on this one)
- There’s No Place Like Home
Looking forward to the finale, but also sad to know that’s it for a while. Will it keep us talking over the Summer and Fall? Based on how it has been going, how would it not? These guy’s are too good…
Lost: The Shape of Things to Come
Yeah, one may wonder if my lack of blogging over April had anything to do with Lost not being on… well, you’d be wrong. It wasn’t that in as much as it was me not wanting to spend time writing until the Shiny Bits were done and being very, very busy at work these last 3+ weeks.
Well, the bits are just about there, as in you’ll see them by Monday, and I have a lot of writing to do once they are out there, but in the meantime, I had to post this aside about last week’s episode of Lost since I just read Ed’s post and left my comments there.
Anyway, easily the best episode of the year and, perhaps, the series!
(Oh, and Claire looked hot after getting blowed up.)
Lost: Meet Kevin Johnson
Yay! The return of Libby! She’s a hottie.
Okay, I figured I’d get that out of the way first. On to the point, which is, my comments on the last episode before the break are on Ed’s post. Let’s do a checkpoint on what I was right and wrong about.
Oceanic Six: My original three guesses were wrong (Locke, Sawyer, Desmond). I did add Sayid by episode 2 and by episode 3, I had Michael in the mix and added Sun. I didn’t add Aaron until the reveal, so he doesn’t count. I think my biggest victories were some Others being off-island and how Michael comes to be on the freighter.
Lost: Ji Yeon
As I said in my comments, I talked to Ed right after last week’s episode, so while I did read his post the day it came out… I think the minute it came out (I even did proof-reading detail for him), I didn’t leave any comments until today. So, they are there.
That overly wordy sentence was an attempt to think up something about one of the island hotties as I typed, but nothing came to mind. Um… so, Juliet was actually still looking pretty ill with the dirt and cuts and all… yeah.
Lost: The Other Woman
I actually had to comment twice — to start anyway — over on Ed’s post, but here’s a link to the first one. Even though the ep shifted down a gear from last week’s, it was still a good one. I mean, we got Juliet in a bikini… how can you go wrong there?
Yes… I am doing that, again, on purpose… 😉