Mistah Plow
This is a list of posts tagged with Mistah Plow.
K cards
Welcome to the summer, or rather, the “blog days of summer” as I like to call them, where not a whole lot of blogging happens! When it does, you don’t care. You’ll understand more when you read my next Flixd post. It won’t be pretty for almost all of you. I do have some other stuff in mind for you coming soon though. Kind of half year check-ins on the consumables idea.
Anyway, I figured I’d toss this up to put that first bit of info out, but also because Ed hit a number that needed capturing for eternity on the internets.
So, these aren’t the baseball kind of K cards (which you’d normally associate with summer), but rather, those that celebrate Xbox Live Gamerscore milestones. But, they just changed their site design and these don’t look like cards anymore; at least the parts that kept from the screen cap don’t. The new “cards” are quite large as they also include a full image of your avatar. Anyway, I cropped them a lot to show just the vital info.
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Two seven four five four
That’s my end of year gamerscore. I set a goal of increasing it by 10k for the year and I went over that by almost 3500. I’ll just set another 10k increase for this year in favor of not overgaming because that takes away from other activities. Not really, it is just easier to go home after work and game than do other things. Like clean.
Of course that is nothing compared to what Ed did this year. Granted he picked up a gig reviewing games for Avault, but add to that playing with his Wii, not to mention everything else the busy man about the internets, business world, family world and homestead world does and the accomplishment is simply amazing. The fact that he more than tripled his goal really is impressive to me even if you don’t get it. Well done sir!
Twenty-six K plow
Making round Gamerscores is going around. Look what I found tonight when I got home:
Mistah 10k
Congratulations are in order for Mistah Plow as he ended last night’s Oblivion love-fest by getting an achievement worth 50 points and make his overall Gamerscore exactly 10,000. That’s pretty cool.
This should have really happened long ago when Ed was without Xbox 360 for many months, but tonight I caught his Gamerscore by finishing off Pac-Man Championship Edition for 50 points after the two of us started in on Cloning Clyde. These are both Xbox Live Arcade games and we are now rocking them since there ain’t a lot going on in full-game-title-land these days.
At least we can play Clyde via co-op instead of him just listening to me curse up a storm while playing PMCE while he rocked it old shewel in DOOM. I’m pretty sure no game has ever made me curse as much as PMCE did. The game was a very cool spin-off of the original, complete with a trippin techno themed soundtrack, but sometimes it was frustrating as all get out.
Of course, with Ed headed out of town for a week of vacation, I’m going to pull ahead for awhile, but I am sure he’ll hunker down to get back on top once he is back. There’s always the King Kong or NBA 2k6 rental for an easy grand in points.
Year in consumables: 2006 games
Promises, promises…
You know, I said I’d have this posted by March first, but things got out of hand at work this week due to Daylight Savings Time. You know about that, right? Well, work got in the way of proper sleep, television viewing — ‘cept Lost and Heroes — and blogging.
So, I won’t bore you with the details of that, but instead bore you with the third and final installment of my 2006 Year in Consumables series. You can read the music and movie posts in the archives.
By my count, I have rocked se7en games on the 360 this year. Okay, it was really ten, but demos of Contra and the... Continue reading »
Perfect Dark Zero
When the first wave of Xbox 360 games, the launch titles, were announced, it was pretty much assumed that this game was going to be the 360’s Halo. The game was hyped up as the one that would sell the system and I remember Microsoft used this game as their feature in that overhyped and ultimately empty MTV special that aired just before the 2005 E3.
I haven’t played any of the previous games in the Perfect Dark series, so I can’t base this *review* of Perfect Dark Zero (PDZ) on anything other than this game. I suppose in terms of gameplay, I can compare it to Halo somewhat, so here goes…
I made it thru the training level and then the first level before I decided it wasn’t worth it. I say it wasn’t worth it not because of the game, but because the achievements just weren’t going to come. I... Continue reading »