This is a list of posts tagged with MTV.
Flixd: ten
Don’t be afraid that I started the month off heavy in the chick flick department. I finished strong with lots of the testosterone fueled action flicks. Yeah, it was a weird month in the old queue. I bumped up lots of new releases so I could get them the first day and this was the result. Anyway, it was a decent month without any huge stinkers.
Here come the thoughts and heads with the new format proposed last month. One sentence per head. Let’s see how this works out. Continue reading »
Telefizzled w.13
Lucky week 13, which was like two weeks ago, but that Festivus holiday had its way with my time. This post includes weeks 12 and 13 since 13 only had my Monday and Tuesday shows at the start of the week.
Chuck (w.12): Sarah’s confidence man daddy shows up played by none other than Gary Cole. No TPS reports. Anyway, the team somehow pulls off a con on some sheik/prince and then goes to heck and then the team decides to save daddy from going to the klink even though he double crossed everyone. Something about a DeLorean and the General Lee too, but kinda just Morgan related noise.
Chuck (w.13): Best guest appearance ever! Sergeant Al Powell is back on the job Christmas Eve at a hostage situation in the Burbank BuyMore. Twinkies still in hand. Turns out Big Al is Big Mike’s cousin. Oh, and Sarah basically executes a Fulcrum agent to protect Chuck, but he doesn’t know why she does this and it just leaves you hanging with something until the series starts back up in January. Of course they used the time previous in the episode to draw the two back together som... Continue reading »
Two new words
I was reading up on comments over at The Ed Zone today and I was reminded of a post I had been meaning to post. You see, I think I have two new words to offer the lexicon, but you tell me. They aren’t quite on the level of a ginormous, but who can aim that big, right?
The first, which reminded me of this idea, stemmed from “bromance.” Now, the Urban Dictionary has all manner of definitions for the word, so going with the first in the list for brevity:
Describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males.
I first caught wind of the term this summer, or late spring, when I read/heard that MTV was in town casting for Brody Jenner’s new show on MTV of the same name. I guess since Spencer broke up with him, he’s on the market for a new bro, or at least that’s w... Continue reading »