Pearl Jam
This is a list of posts tagged with Pearl Jam.
Year in consumables: 2009 music
Does the music post have different rules than the games or movies post? Of course it does. But, that changes this year. In the past, it has allowed for the ranking of anything that I picked up during the year while the list in the Audio pages for that year would only rank stuff from that year. No more.
The list that appears here will strictly be of albums released during that year. Like the past, this list won’t change, but the one in the Audio pages may, and likely will, if the past is any indication. That said, I will... Continue reading »
Annual jam
I found myself blasting thru my Pearl Jam catalog yesterday starting at work, continuing on the drive home and a late evening completion. Interrupted only by a break for Lost, natch. It reminded me of the posts I wrote last year about PJ and my subsequent calling out by PJ zealots on some message board.
So, I looked in the archives and wouldn’t you know that it was a year and a day since I posted the infamous Pearl Jam = Crap post. Weird.
Oh… and I skipped No Code.
Pearl Jammed
Yesterday, the OB1og got hit pretty good — for me anyway — by a bunch of Pearl Jam fanatics after someone posted links to my two PJ posts on the forums. Seems like those that posted back came away with the idea I hate PJ. What up with that?
So, I registered for the forum so I could post a response, but it took 24 hours to finally get thru moderation, etc. Anyway, read for yourself here…
Also, I’m listening to Live at Easy Street as I type this. This is the disc with the John Doe appearance; it is pretty good and cheap to boot.
Generic Radio
There was a time when I thought this might be my first post. Around the time I was building Ed’s blog, I was digging thru some old stuff and found an old Memorex tape.
I don’t remember what I was looking for now, but I am glad I found this tape. I must have taken ownership of it at some point over the years from my Uncle Chris. It is labeled “Generic Radio 12-23-87” and it is probably the only recording in existence of a radio show I did in high school with my friend Johnny B.
John and I had a show on Rockland’s community/high school station WRPS 88.3 FM on Wednesday from 5-7pm. So, it was very small-time and definitely not like a Saved By the Bell thing either. I am shocked there was enough juice for my uncle to get that tuned in as far away as Milton MA. The iPod car transmitters probably have more juice these days.
Christmas time in 87 would have been my Junior year in high school and I think by that point we had been doing the show for almost two months. I ended up doing... Continue reading »
PJ Part Deux
Well, not really… in fact, maybe it is Part Tres? Whatever… I said I’d update you on Pearl Jam and here it is: nothing has changed for me. In fact, I realized my first listen to most discs is spot-on for me, so extended listening doesn’t really help its case. I have listened to it about five more times and “Severed Hand,” “Army Reserve” and “Inside Job” are the standouts for me. “Comatose,” “Unemployable,” “Gone” and “Come Back” are good. The rest is either okay or not. That’s more than half the disc mentioned and my rank does change. It’s their fifth best and closer to Yield than Binaural. I moved it up a spot because my second listens of “Severed Hand” and “Army Reserve” warranted it. I might be contradicting my open, but screw it.
Zero to Pearl Jam in 50
Okay, so I am going to do a little experiment here and just write whatever comes to mind as I take my first spin thru Pearl Jam. I just picked it up at 7.10 pm and the first song is going to play and it is almost 8.25 pm. Seems like a simple way to make this an addendum to my Pearl Jam = Crap post. Let’s see if the monkey can type and listen to the music at the same time. This might be the fastest review brain dump of an album ever…
Life Wasted Good guitar intro. Hmm…Eddie is singing in that Eddie way again… no f-in idea what he’s saying. Maybe I better bust out this freaky lyric book included in the disc packaging. Pictures look like (insert favorite zombie flick here) meets Photoshop. Once, Go, Last Exit and Brain of J. are all great intros to a disc. This one, not so much…
World Wi... Continue reading »
Pearl Jam = Crap
Just kidding, but I did sort of drop that idea in Kurt. You see, it had been a while since I really listened to any PJ discs and as far as my poor memory could recall, they had released a lot of crap since their first three discs.
Jason called me out on my statement in his comments about the Kurt post. I had actually already started thinking about what I wrote, almost as in I couldn’t believe I wrote it, but it’s there. So, that weekend I started ripping all my PJ discs so that I could give them a spin and reeducate my ignorant self.
Over the course of two days, I listened to the catalog I own (no live discs though) and I did so in order of release. I’ll just run thru some thoughts on each and tidy up at the very end.
Without a doubt their very best. I remember w... Continue reading »
Twelve years ago today, Kurt Cobain‘s body was found. Hard to believe it has been that long.
Nevermind was the the first grunge album I purchased and I got it on January 19th 1992. Yeah, a little late to the party considering it was released September 24th 1991. I purchased 11 other CD’s in the time between and, with the exception of Blood Sugar Sex Magik, I can say the other 10 are crap compared to Nevermind. I won’t recount what those discs were now, and not out of embarassment either. I will fess up that the other disc I bought that day was the soundtrack to JFK. Little did I know both “front men” would die of gun shots to the head.
As I remember it, Nirvana was the band that really kicked off the whole grunge thing and forced it into the mainstream. Yeah, there were other bands before Nirvana — Soundgarden, Mudhoney, The ... Continue reading »