
This is a list of posts tagged with Polaroid.

Shiny bits

At long last, here are the shiny bits.

I know, it is plain, but not as plain as what came before it, right?

Well, this is pretty much all the shine that is going to be around here. I’m going to move on to some feature bits. In fact, the reason getting the shiny bits out here took a little longer was due to taking a feature bit out as I didn’t feel it was quite ready yet. (Oh, and working a lot.)

Anyway, I won’t be working quite as crazily as I have been lately, so now I’ll feel up to coding a bit when I get home at a reasonable hour. Oh, and that means I can catch up on telly too. And Xbox. And comics (really!). And blogging.

You’ve heard this before. I know.

You don’t believe me. I know.

I can tell this because many have stopped dropping by as of late. I don’t blame you. Why would stop by if I’m not, right? Conti... Continue reading »