This is a list of posts tagged with PS3.
Three se7ens
Not sure why I feel compelled to post something today. I mean, it is cool that today is 07.07.07 and all, but does that mean I need to acknowledge that with a post?
This is a post, so I guess so, but how to acknowledge it exactly? I mean, I can’t just post this and be on my way, can I?
I suppose I could, but I did have one little idea. I thought, maybe since there are three sevens, I’d do three lists of seven. And, since it is Summer, maybe have one list be of things I have enjoyed so far, another of things I have not and finally, the third of things I am looking forward to over the rest of the Summer.
Yeah, that works and it gives me a chance to fill in some blanks since I haven’t posted much lately. Of course, it hasn’t been officially Summer for but three weeks, but we all know we started thinking it was way earlier than what the solstice tells us, right?
Anyway, here goes nothing:
Seven up
- Transformers Yup, just saw it today and I’m leading off with it. Even if you are not a fan, of them or Michael B... Continue reading »
Ignoring it is bliss
Oh little blog, how I have ignored you these past couple weeks… and boy has it been great. Not feeling pressured to write a damn thing to bore the masses with endless drivel, just like this post.
Are you bored yet?
Don’t worry, you’ll get there. I already am, but reflect on the fact that blogging is now 10 years old. Consider how many boring blog posts have been posted over that time! See my latest aside for more.
Of course, there are numerous reasons I haven’t blogged lately, the first being the continued drama of being a fantasy baseball league commissioner, especially when said league includes a Mookie. I have spent many a late night over the past week tending to my little baseball league that barely can. However, light is at the end of the tunnel now, so time is freed up to blog a bit.
So, continuing to riff on the baseball, and real quick mind you as many of you care less, I just want to point out a couple things. One,... Continue reading »
Xbox 360 in 1080p
Paul Thurrott has an item on WinInfo about Microsoft releasing the HD DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 for only $170 this Fall. What is more interesting to me is that a 360 firmware update will boost the max resolution of the 360 from 1080i to 1080p. This is news, and as Paul says, the last big differentiator between PS3 and the 360.
Is Sony further doomed? Not in the least. The Sony zealots will still shell out gobs of cake for a PS3, but Microsoft just made their argument even more compelling. I’m just a little happier in that this will help justify buying a 1080p HD set when I get a big one soonish. Even though television programming won’t be broadcast at that level for years to come, at least there could be some earlier benefit in the greater cost over the 720p sets. As it stands now, it’s about an $800 difference for the size set I am looking at. I bet the earliest we see a 1080p game is late 2007 though.
Wii 4 Mii 2
After reading an e-mail from Ed last week on his decision to trade in his 360 and purchase Nintendo’s forthcoming Wii — pronounced “We” — system, I wanted to liken it to trading in your manhood for another kick at boyhood.
Which is actually not a bad first impression. When you think about it, what’s wrong with that? Who doesn’t want to relive portions of their childhood in some way or fashion these days as we push ever closer to 40 (it’s the new 30 don’t you know)?
I then gave it further thought (about 10 seconds) and decided I definitely had no issue with the decision. He made a careful, well thought out case in the e-mail and has posted something similar over on The Ed Zone. Of course, I... Continue reading »
Tue :: 09 :: May :: 2006 :: 09.58 pm
Commentary, Gaming
Apple, Blu-ray, HD DVD, HDTV, iPod, Metal Gear Solid, Playstation 3, PS3, Sony, Tampa Bay Rays, Xbox 360
2 times
Tampa Blu-rays
Sometimes I get carried away with leaving a comment somewhere and it turns into a short blog post. Since I now have my own bloggy blog, I can blog it and let a pingback handle the comment for me. This way I can also add a clever title. Actually, I just think I am clever. Maybe you don’t know that Tampa is always a bottom feeder because they don’t draft pitching. Sony is going to become a bottom feeder because they are bundling. Perhaps I should get to the point…
Ed posted a quick Aside about the PS3 and I started going off with a comment. In fact, this is the second time today because I already did so in an e-mail exchange with him earlier today. Anyway, I understand companies need to make their money and they need a marquee product to spotlight their company. I don’t know that it has ever been more evident what this can do for a company than with the case of the iPod saving Apple’s bacon. Sure, the iMac saved it from the brink of destruction over... Continue reading »