San Francisco
This is a list of posts tagged with San Francisco.
Under the Bridge
Okay, so really, it is above the bridge, or in front of it, but you get the picture… er, I mean the point. I figured I started with a RHCP tune for a title, so I might as well end with one, even if I don’t really like this one that much.
Anyhoo, I have finally completed posting the rest of my *good* photos from the San Francisco area trip. I could add more in the future, but I really need to plow thru the rest and determine if any gems were missed or, if I can make any more into gems via Photoshop.
I added photos to two sets I created last time out and describe in my previous post. The photos I took during my last two nights by the bridge were added to the Golden... Continue reading »
Fake Tales of San Francisco
I posted more photos — do yourself a favor and look at larger sizes when on Flickr — from my trip to California tonight. As mentioned in my previous post about the trip, I hit Big Sur for the first day. These were all taken on my second full day there, which was Sunday 10/22.
I arrived by noon PDT on Friday 10/22, but I felt so sick after my flight — stomach and headache or migraine that caused me to feel nauseous, it was all bad — I headed straight for my hotel and crashed for a couple hours. I only got two hours sleep the night before and maybe two more bad hours on the flight. By the time I woke up, I was pretty worthless... Continue reading »
The first photo set from my recent trip to California is up. It chronicles a little too long trip down Highway 1 thru the Big Sur area. I had done this trip as a kid in a Crown Vic rental car loaded up with three adults and three kids and still had fond memories. Noelle and I didn’t make it past Monterey when we were out two years ago, so it was number one on my priority list for this time.
After seeing a lot of good stuff in the beginning, I went too far down and should have turned around earlier, but I kept thinking I’d eventually see something worthwhile, besides I had nothing else to do after a certain point in time. I think that is called the point-of-no-return. Anyway, I got elephant seals sleeping... Continue reading »
Tellyman 10.3
I am quite a few days late with this, but my excuse is I didn’t want to be a total dork and blog on my *vacation.* I guess I could have blogged this stuff on Monday or Tuesday, since technically, they were work days, but I figured I would rather get out into the city and do my best to get mugged or something. It didn’t happen.
I did meet a real nice girl in the Red Light District though. She was tall and had a deep voice and a hint of five o’clock shadow under her caked on foundation. Wait a minute, did I say RLD? I meant Ghirardelli Square. She was working the candy checkout counter. I suspect she was a he, but she/he/it sure did look purrdy from a distance. I’m not even kidding.
Well, on to the regular scheduled programming. I actually caught up on my flight out to Oakland by watching the previous night’s Earl, Office and Smallville on my iPod. It worked out pretty well, except I think I sca... Continue reading »
I’m Going Back to Cali
…to Cali, to Cali. I think so!
My posting of my photos back in August from my last trip to California under that title has proven to be prophetic. I am indeed flying out to San Francisco today for a long weekend of personal time and two days of bidniz.
What does that mean to you? Not much except that I will be posting more photos of the same shiznit for you, just newer…
For now, enjoy some Jack-O-Lanterns for Halloween.