
This is a list of posts tagged with Smallville.

Telefizzled w.3

Don’t read me. Scroll down and look at the photos in the previous post (and those it links to). I’d much prefer that than you reading about what I think about some stupid shows on the telly.

Now that I have you super happy excited to read this…

Chuck: I’m certain now that this is my favorite show on television right now. It used to be The Office, but now it is this. Oh, and before you comment out in all caps it should be Lost, it ain’t on right now! (But Lost would be that if it were.) Back on Chuck, I just enjoy it. I don’t know if it is because I identify with the geek-cool in Chuck, although I don’t pull off the same kinda cool he does, or that we have the same shoes, but I like this character and I especially like his faux girlfriend… okay, let’s not devolve this week shall we? I think I just wish my life were suddenly as exciting as Chuck’s got… yeah, that’s it. As for this episode, old man John Larroquette was quite good. I was mostly expecting a lot of suck out of him, but he pulled off the smar... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.2

I was going to write this up on Saturday, but Lego Batman conspired to keep me in front of the Xbox and away from my computer. Not a bad thing I guess, but now I am going to bust this out before Chuck starts at 8 because I must watch Yvonne Strahovski and Sarah Lancaster in glorious HD. Therefore, let’s start off with…

Chuck: Well, I did watch it first. So, Morgan wasn’t killed, but I am still hopeful. Sadly, looks like the character they teased getting killed was one of the handler’s bosses, the CIA one. Yup, he blew up with the new Intersect, so that means Casey didn’t have to perforate Chuck, even if he didn’t want to. Michael Clarke Duncan was cool as the baddie, but they should have given him a bit more airtime. Chuck and Sarah went on a real date, which was good, but now they can’t again, so that’s bad? Tease the poor bastard. Speaking of tease, when does Buster show up?

Big Bang: I actually want to quote some funny lines from this one, but I don’t have time and you probably won’t find geek humor funny ... Continue reading »

Telefizzled w.1

One down.

I had two opportunities to watch Heroes this weekend and couldn’t bring myself to do it. That’s even after Ed’s endorsement. So I just called it. I deleted it right off Media Center and the series setting as well. I’m out. Enough with the stealing. The mystery was gone for me. That said, if someone tells me at the end of this season that it rocked hard, I’ll rent it on DVD, but I am not going to invest my time in it now.

Now that that is out of the way, on to this weeks thoughts. I’m going to stick with the title and just add on a week number. Easy enough.

Big Bang: Sheldon makes this show, so if he’s the focus, it is probably going to be good. This one was a good start with him trying to keep the blonde hottie’s secret. I don’t even remember what that was, but that’s because it has something to do with Leonard and I actually prefer him in the Trouty character in My Boys.

HIMYM:... Continue reading »


Kind of burned out on television a little bit last year. I don’t know if it was the WGA strike, the inconsistent quality in shows I watch or just getting over watching a ton of telly. I suspect, now that I typed that out, it is a little bit of all those things.

So, I guess it comes as no surprise that my schedule this year is pretty light, which is a good thing. I deliberately decided not to glom on to any new hour long shows this year. I am going to try a couple out, but other than that, I am just saying no. I am also going to try out a new 1/2 comedy and re-adopt one that fell to the wayside last year. Finally, I am going to try and write a little bit about shows each week just to judge my interest, and yours, in them. That means comments people!

That said, here’s my fall schedule (new shows in bold):

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Tellyman returns

Not really, no.

Well, not in so much a way as before?

Ah, who cares, it is just a post about some televisionic observations I have had of late (and maybe later…).

So, I was watching Heroes last night, which has been so very good the past three epsiodes, and NBC is running ads for their newest show sure to fail, Raines. Now, was the pitch for this show something along the lines of “let’s put Medium, Tru Calling and The Ghost Whisperer in the blender and sprinkle with a little bit of Monk… oh, and we’ll get Jeff Goldblum!” Really?

Anyone else watching The Black Donnelly’s? I feel compelled to watch, you know, as an Irishman… yeah. Well, if you are, do we really need Joey Ice Cream as a narrator? The sudden insertion of himself into a scene, with subsequent character reaction, is unnecessary and seems forced as a way to try and distinguish the storytelling as unique or different. The story being told does the job just fine… which is to say, mediocre at best. Not sure this one is going to fair much better than S... Continue reading »

Tellyman 10.4

Killface from Frisky Dingo

I had a brilliant post written for last week’s shows, but Firefox 2.0 just took a big dump on me and it is all gone. I didn’t save a draft in WordPress either; gone means totally gone. I was trying to load up and an episode of How I Met Your Mother so I could get a vidcap for the lead picture, but when it started loading their InnerTube — which came first, Inner or You? — page, it locked up because I was missing the RealPlayer plug-in. I tried IE first, but same issue except it wouldn’t set Windows Media Player as my preference there (it gave me a choice between the two). I hated RealPlayer before, which is why I didn’t have it installed, and now I doubly hate it. I’ll never install it again. Ever.

Of course, it is not like I just lost a term paper or novel or something like that. I didn’t even shout, snap a remote in half, smash a keyboard or punch a door. The post was mostly the same... Continue reading »

Tellyman 10.3

Dwight and Ryan from The Office: Initiation

I am quite a few days late with this, but my excuse is I didn’t want to be a total dork and blog on my *vacation.* I guess I could have blogged this stuff on Monday or Tuesday, since technically, they were work days, but I figured I would rather get out into the city and do my best to get mugged or something. It didn’t happen.

I did meet a real nice girl in the Red Light District though. She was tall and had a deep voice and a hint of five o’clock shadow under her caked on foundation. Wait a minute, did I say RLD? I meant Ghirardelli Square. She was working the candy checkout counter. I suspect she was a he, but she/he/it sure did look purrdy from a distance. I’m not even kidding.

Well, on to the regular scheduled programming. I actually caught up on my flight out to Oakland by watching the previous night’s Earl, Office and Smallville on my iPod. It worked out pretty well, except I think I sca... Continue reading »

Tellyman 10.2

Dwight's Ed Truck robot statue from The Office

It was a rough week for television viewing for me. While I was able to watch everything, it was only thanks to Media Center dutifully fulfilling its, err… duties. I had to work late pretty much every night this week, so I was playing catch up all week and now that I am caught up, I can bore you with my thoughts.

This week’s How I Met Your Mother was weak, until the end. The end made it worth it because you thought for the entire episode that Ted Moesby, Architect was dogging Robin after their first fight. Barney started off the episode by telling Ted that he should advertise the fact that he is an architect since chicks think it is hot. Ted tests it out by chatting up a girl at the bar and Barney is actually right. The episode then follows Ted, Marshall and this girl for the rest of the night with Robin and Lily hot on their trail.

Come to find out at the end that it was Barne... Continue reading »

Heroes: One Giant Leap

Nathan Petrelli from the Heroes on-line comic

Since it is getting closer to Halloween, I thought I might run a screencap of Claire lying on the autopsy slab, but I thought better of it. What a way to end an episode, but this mini-comic panel compliments my current coloring better.

This third episode was written by Jeph Loeb, who happens to be one of my favorite comics writers. Loeb is a current supervising producer on the show and has served as a producer in some capacity on Smallville and Lost in the past. All three shows are in my must-see list.

I watched the episode pretty late last night, so I may not have caught everything, but I wanted to post soon so I could hopefully get some commentsation going before deciding if I need to watch it again (okay, so by the time I finished writing this, I had watched it ... Continue reading »

Tellyman 10.1

You killed Jim Halpert

At the start of this, it wasn’t necessarily my intention to do this as an ongoing series under the heading of “Tellyman,” but it would seem to have stuck. I was going to change up titles on a post-by-post basis, but since Ed also came up with “Tele Mundo,” and I got nothing else, I’m going to stick with “Tellyman.” I’ll adjust to use my month-dot-week nomenclature like “Fanboy Fodder” since during repeats, I may not post. I do find it odd that we both thought up the same name though. Spooky…

Week three of the new television season is complete and three shows made their way into my schedule. Kidnapped made its exit due to cancellation, or at least the news that it would not continue past its original 13 episode order. I wasn&#... Continue reading »