
This is a list of posts tagged with Smallville.

Tellyman: Week Two

Heroes comic image of Claire

So, continuing a new theme of talking about shows on the telly every week, this is week two. In case you don’t get it, my title this week and last is trying to play on the Batman: Year One and Year Two comic stories. I’m not Tellyman and I don’t know who is. Maybe he has utility belt, but not a slightly-too-young-sidekick.

Yeah, I know…

I don’t know how much longer I will really keep this up, but I at least planned on doing it for the first three weeks since debuts are spread out over that time. Anyway, here’s what I think of week two…

This past week saw the series debut of Heroes and season premiere of Smallville, so I guess an extra dose of comic book type viewing. The image above is from a web comic on the site to promote Heroes. The book is penciled by Michael Turner and K... Continue reading »

Superman Returns

Superman Returns teaser posterI am having a hard time deciding how I want to write this up, so I’m just going to start writing and see what happens. I have stated before that I don’t care if I spoil things without warning or not in my reviews, but I actually gave it a thought while watching Superman Returns. On one hand, I want to throw out what I thought about everything, but that means spoilers. On the other, I want to preserve the experience for anyone who has not yet seen the film.

Okay, after writing that first, it seems obvious what I have to do… spoil everything, but I’ll at least warn you. Yeah, I think you are down with that and I’ll try to keep the spoilage towards the end so that you aren’t just reading this fluff at the top.

Whoa, wait… speaking of fluff — allow me a quick tangent — I found a number of interesting Superman posters while googling for the ... Continue reading »

The Block is Hot

My little doo-dad says it is 90° today, which is I think the first time that has happened this year. Of course, with all the rain we’ve had lately, who can really remember? At least we finally have a nice weekend and it allowed me to put the top down and pull the doors off the Jeep for a couple days.

However, today I am sitting cooped up inside waiting to test something for work that may or may not be happening. At this point, 2.38pm, I am thinking it either didn’t happen and they didn’t notify my group or they are having troubles and not providing an update. Anyway, I am sweating my t!ts off in my home office and I thought about that title up there.

The title is the title of epsiode 14 in season 1 of The Boondocks. Not only is it a successful newspaper comic strip, but it is also an animated series on the Cartoon Network’s [adult s... Continue reading »

I H8 Routers

As you may remember from last time, I had to download some new firmware for my router so that the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live (XBL) would play nice with it. I sort of made the leap from that to having had to buy a new router to make it do right. Here’s what went down.

So, I hit up the support page on the D-Link site and fill in for the DI-784. I get back a page with a bunch of crap that isn’t very relevant to my model, but since it is just confusing enough, I click on a link that seems to indicate what I want is there. What I got was a nice fat 500 Server Error for some Taiwanese domain. Excellent!

I easily found the Tech Support link to send an e-mail though. Funny how that goes… anyway, I started this nice little chain with those helpful folks “Building Networks for Peopleâ€Â... Continue reading »