The Office
This is a list of posts tagged with The Office.
Network Upfronts
Well, this past week the major networks did all their Upfront new release press conference thingies. If you have no idea what I am talking about it, the simplest way to describe it is they announced shows that will return and the new ones they are going to try out, but likely kill before giving them a chance to find their audience.
I’ll never understand the TV biz because between the three Sweeps periods and the Upfronts, they make their money on selling ad time. Since they have already sold the ad time and have cash in hand, then why do they up and cancel shows before giving them a chance? Or, why do they kill shows by moving them to bad time slots? Why can’t they get ratings from everyone and not just from the mystery Nielsen families?
I always wondered who these so-called Nielsen families were. Come to find out, it’s a little bit like a contest or lottery to become one. I have a friend at work who is now a Nielsen family, so now I know more about it. I don’t care to describe any of this and if I weren’t so lazy or really cared enough,... Continue reading »
The Lost Experience
Apparently ABC is going to launch a game called The Lost Experience on May 3 in the U.S., but also in the UK and Oz. It will be Internet based and feature a parallel story not shown on TV. Interesting how more TV is putting side stuff on the web. The Office is another example.