This is a list of posts tagged with X-Men.
Happy Birthday Aria
Continuing the new tradition, I have posted some pictures of Aria to my flickr photostream. Since she is turning one today, I don’t have a lot and I also had to *borrow* some from Ed’s flickr and a Kodak gallery Andi set up from Saturday. Of course, Ed has posted another excellent birthday tribute for his daughter.
Colin and Aria celebrated their birthday’s with friends and family and I was the designated photographer for cake and presents. As I joked in a flickr comment, I need to get some original copies for my portfolio that will eventually go under the Visual section of this here bloggy blog.
It was a fun party. I also had the pleasure of heading out there a day earlier to help Ed with some yard chores (no one lost a limb this time) and putting together some gifts. We had a tough time with a kid-sized picnic table and I said this was just like Christmas Eve except it wasn’t, I wasn’t anyone’s Dad and we weren’t half in the bag. We eventually worked it out in time to meet up with Joe to see X3.
X-Men: The Last Stand
There’s a lenghty conversation slash commentation going on over at Scooby Speak about the third film in the X-Men series. I dropped a comment there, but I wanted to expound more over here for a few reasons: I haven’t posted something in a few days, I want to drop spoilers and I’m going to try my hand at this review thing.
Of course, I can’t write a review for crap because I’m not ed-u-ma-cated enough to do that kind of thing. Nah, I think I’ll leave that to the experts like Ed and Jason (even though he still claims he’s not writing reviews and is no expert… feh).... Continue reading »